Build script writer
This is the most frequent user of SBuild. For example, he is a C/C++
developer who writes some new C/C++ code and then needs to add that code
to the product. This is the core users that dictated most of the
features of the SBuild tool. As a quick proof, given the task mentioned
above, a new C/C++ file for an existing build, the needed changes in the
build description of the product is most of the time zero (nothing, no
change). He just need to rerun a build.
Of course, in this part we go beyond that trivial usage and make the
assumption that the task is to write some new build targets and new
build scripts.
- The anatomy of a build script
- Writing targets: extending the current build
- Writing runners: giving information on how to
smoke test the build
- Variants: implementing custom build flavors
- Using prebuilt code (a.k.a. SBuild C/C++
externals of type "sdk")
- Advanced C/C++ features (renaming builds, C/C++
FAQ C/C++ build script writer